Bird Control


A distinctive physical characteristic of a pigeon is that the female has a white rump while the male has a metallic green or purple iridescence. An adult pigeon measures at a length of 11.8 to 14.2 inches and weighs 240 – 380 g. Pigeons can have a variety of colours ranging from white to grey to brown or a mixture of other colours. A typical pigeon has a lifespan of approximately 6 years. Their favourite foods are grains, fruits, seeds, and even insects such as earthworms and snails. They can often be found in farmlands, cities, fields, mountains, and the like.

Pigeons themselves are clean but their excrement can carry diseases such as Histoplasmosis, Cryptococcosis and Psittacosis. Humans can become infected by breathing in the debris or dust generated from cleaning the poop.
The distinct feature of a myna is its black-hooded head, brown-coloured body and a yellow patch behind each eye. Such bird is usually seen in pairs. Its body length varies from 9.5 to 12 inches and it’s weight is around 110 – 140 g. Mynas’ favorite foods are fruits, lizards, small snakes, baby rodents, amphibians, eggs, and even garbages from trash cans. They normally dwell in areas with access to water, urban regions, open woodland, farmlands, mangroves, and grasslands.

Mynas can cause diseases such as Salmonellosis and avian influenza. Their parasitic mites can even bring about dermatitis in humans.
Sparrow has a smooth, round head with rounded wings. A female sparrow has brown and striped feathers whereas a male sparrow has red feathers on its back. The sparrow produces a beautiful chirping sound and singing tune. An adult sparrow measures around 6.3 inches in length and weighs between 24 – 40 g. The sparrow has an average lifespan of 3 years. Sparrows love to feed on livestock feed, grains, crops (e.g. corn, wheat, sorghum, etc.), crabgrass, ragweed, and bird seeds (e.g. sunflower seeds, millet, milo, etc.). They like to roost on places where people live, such as, buildings, open areas, barns, gazebos, high-rise structures, etc.

Sparrows can transmit diseases like Coccidiosis, Sarcosporidiosis, Chlamydiosis, and Toxoplasmosis which can infect both humans as well as animals.
Starlings appear black in colour with triangular wings, pointy beak and short tail. They somehow shift in colours from purplish green during the summer to brownish with white spots during the winter. A staring’s body is about 7.5 to 8.5 inches long and has an average weight of 58 – 100 g. Starlings enjoy feeding on snails, spiders, worms, fruits, grains, and seeds. Their favourite habitats include trees, buildings, moorland, parks, gardens, and cultivated areas.

Starling’s droppings can bring about Histoplasmosis disease, the airborne spores, when inhaled, can cause infection to the human lungs and even fatal to those with immunity disorders.